Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A letter and an answer

In the midst of all the national debate over health insurance, we were having our own insurance issues. The surgeon that Chloe's cardiologist wants to do her surgery is at a hospital not within our network. The surgeon's assistant told us our insurance company was difficult to work with, but they would do their best to get it approved. Some of you knew this and were praying that Chloe's surgery would be approved.

Ten days before the surgery date, we received a letter in the mail.

Chloe's surgery was approved.

Not only will Chloe be treated by one of the very top pediatric heart surgeons in the country, but insurance will do their part.

If we ever doubt God's hand in all of this, we have a letter to prove otherwise.

We changed the comments setting so you don't have to have a registered ID to comment. If you just click anonymous, then you can comment and leave your name in the comment, if you choose. Hopefully this makes it a little easier to comment.


  1. Chloe, This is such great news. I remember when you had your first surgery and you were such a strong girl! I'll be praying for you and your family, knowing that God already has you in his hands and will be guiding every doctor and nurse that are going to help you. Hazel says "Hi!" and will be praying for you too.

  2. Charles and Susan RichardsonOctober 22, 2009 at 2:52 AM

    Miss. Chloe, you don't know us but I have the wonderful pleasure of being a part of your grand dad's ministry of TTWMK. It's only a small part but still a part. I remember standing in Turkey while your grand dad asked our little community of travelers to pray for you as you and your family faced your first surgery. I would like for you know that we consider it a honor to bring this prayer request to Him now for you and sharing the request for you with others too.

  3. Our Family has been praying for you sooo much!!! God has preformed a miracle on you and your family today!

    -Robinson Family

  4. Hope you feel better and hope that you go back to your house soon.
    Hannah Visser

  5. Hi Chloe,

    How are you? I am thinking about you and I will keep praying for you. We miss you. I miss you and I hope you can come back to school very soon.


